Christmas Spanish Coloring Book
Coloring with your children improves the relationship you have with them and helps them develop their creativity, ability to focus and motor skills. What better if you combine these skills with the gift of a second language like Spanish.
This book includes 31 illustrations with common Spanish words to celebrate Christmas with your children. On the left side you will find the vocabulary in Spanish and on the right side the corresponding illustration. Perfect for preschoolers or elementary kids.
Christmas Vocabulary included: (Papá Noel, Polo norte, la campana, el reno, diciembre, el dunede, el árbol de navidad, la estrella, los juguetes, el pavo, el lazo, la bola de navidad, el bastón de caramelo, la corona de navidad, la chimenea, la vela, la familia, el muñeco de jengibre, el regalo, la nieve, el calcetín de navidad, el muñeco de nieve, el gorro navideño).
You can also read about our planned christmas activities for this year here.
You can find the book on Amazon (no affilitate link) here.