Animals Common Words in Spanish. Coloring pages
I like to create resources to review Spanish vocabulary with my kids. My daughter is at the age where she is fascinated by everything related to animals.
This time, I created 31 coloring pages with the most common animal words in Spanish.
My children enjoy sitting next to me with their coloring pencils and bringing those drawings to life. This is a way to review the vocabulary learned.
After an artwork is finished, we hang it on the family’s whiteboard.
The vocabulary list is:
perro,caballo, pájaro, gato, león, toro, vaca, gallo, gallina, paloma, mariposa, ratón, mosca, pollo, rata, pez, serpiente, cerdo, tigre, lobo, mono, oveja, gusano, araña, oso, hormiga, conejo, pato, elefante, tortuga, abeja.
You can get the printable from:
Animal Coloring Pages on Store