List of animals in spanish
Children love animals, so it is a good topic to review with children.
We are reviewing following common animals in spanish names:
Perro,caballo, pájaro, gato, león, toro, vaca, gallo, gallina, paloma, mariposa, ratón, mosca, pollo, rata, pez, serpiente, cerdo, tigre, lobo, mono, oveja, gusano, araña, oso, hormiga, conejo, pato, elefante, tortuga, abeja.
See Also:
Animals Common words in Spanish Flashcards
Flashcards to learn the common animal words in Spanish. This set contains 62 Flashcards to be used as control cards or to play different games.
Click here to shop Flash cards in TPT.
Animals Coloring Pages in Spanish
A collection of 31 animal illustrations for hours of fun! A fantastic way to let your kids explore their creativity and learn the most common animal words in Spanish. Grab the Coloring Pages in TPT. or on the store.
Animals in Spanish Bingo
This Spanish animals Bingo is the perfect game to review the most common animal words in Spanish. Perfect for the early learner or Spanish beginner. Spanish vocabulary. You can get them in TPT Click here or on the store